Google Classroom updated...

I've been trying to get this out for a few weeks now...
Here's some updated info on Google Classroom.

Google has been hard at work making the most of the Google Classroom experience for teachers and students.
(Here's a link to the first post I did on this...)

If you have had a chance to try it out - tell your friends about it. :-)
If you haven't tried it yet, I encourage you to take a few minutes to explore. I think you will find it simple to use and intuitive to navigate. Today I am pointing you to a few resources to help you learn all you want to know about Google Classroom.

Google's Classroom Help Center
This is a fantastic resource with updated information. This is great for getting an overview of Classroom, but also links to NEW FEATURES in the "What's New in Classroom" section.
Also, notice that the help documents are broken into several sections, so if you are a teacher wanting to learn about using this, click on the Teachers section.

Google for Education Help Forum
Be warned - this one can be a bit nerdy. This runs the range from simple questions by teachers to technical things that most of us don't care to know about. It's a good place to solve issues you might be having.

Some information about the mobile app.
Yes, there is an app for Google Classroom.

Google for Education - New Treats for Classroom
This is another blog post that shows how to change your Classroom banner to something of your choosing, plus a few other updates.

Finally, give Google some feedback.
I don't have a link for this one, just a few images and some encouragement. Google classroom is evolving based on what teachers tell Google they want and need. So, tell them what you like and don't like about this tool. Here's how:

  • Go to and click on the "?" in the circle in the lower right corner.
  • In the menu that pops up, select Send Feedback.
  • Google will walk you through the rest of the steps.

Have fun with your classroom!


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