Multiple Users in Chrome...

Many people have more than one Gmail/Google account. 
You may have discovered the struggles that can happen as you try to log in and log out of accounts. One can easily get confused about what file or document is connected to what account. And then there are blogs and sites, etc...
In this post we will tackle a VERY basic feature of Chrome that will make your digital life SO MUCH BETTER.
Here we go...

These are the things we are going to do:

  1. Verify that you are logged into the browser.
  2. Verify your version of Chrome is up to date.
  3. Add a user.
  4. Switch Users.

Verify that you are logged into the browser.
Open Chrome and be sure you are logged into the browser.
If you are not sure look here:
Click on the settings icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
Select Settings from the menu.
At the top of the page you will either see your account information or a button to Sign in.

Go ahead and sign in - I'll wait.
Ready? Okay, let's continue.

Verify your version of Chrome is up to date.

While we are in the Settings menu we can verify that you have the current version of Chrome installed. Notice the menu to the left side of the window and find the About link.
Click the About link to see the version information.
These instructions are based on version 40 or higher. If your version is older you will see a button to Update.
Next we will go back to the Settings. Click on the Settings link on the left side of the page.
In the Settings window we will scroll way down to the People section of the page (near the bottom).
As you can see in the image above, I have two users created. To add a new one I will click the Add person... button.
Next I am going to select an icon for the user I want to add (my personal email address - and give the account a name that is meaningful to me. Once I have made my choices I will click the Add button.
After clicking Add you will see the Set up Chrome page.
Enter the email address (I would use my personal account here) and password and click the Sign in button.
Google will let me know that I'm now signed into Chrome.

Now you should also see the new account in the list.
To switch between users (which are now in separate windows) find the "People" menu item and click it. (If you have an older version of Chrome you will not see this menu.)
In the drop-down you will see a list of your users, as well as a shortcut to where you can edit and add users.
Now the trick is training yourself to work in the right window for each account. Here's what I mean:
Want to check your personal email? First click on People and switch to your Personal account.
Want to create a Google Doc for your classroom (using First click on People and select your account.
You can always tell which account you are in by checking the label in the corner of the window.
If you need any additional help, please feel free to contact me.


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