What is Google+?

You may have noticed the "+YourName" in several of the Google apps. What is it? That's Google + (plus). It is a little bit like a Facebook-Twitter-blogging-email-Flickr mashup in that it is social, but more customize-able.
The big advantage of Google + is CIRCLES. You create circles, add people to the circles, (you can put people in multiple circles) and share with your circles.
So, let's look at what it is and how to learn more about Google +.

What is it?
Google + is a way to share information (blog posts, photos, articles you like, videos, etc.) with groups of people.

  • It works like a blog in that you can post to it and others can see what you have added (if you allow them).
  • It works like Facebook in that you can share information and media with "friends" and others.

As I stated above, the difference in Google + comes in how you can use the CIRCLES.

  • You can create circles for anything you want. I have MANY. Things like church, work, hobbies, clubs, family, etc..
  • You can put people in multiple circles. I have a circle for PCS, and circles for each building. A teacher in my district would be labeled by me with both the district and the building.
  • You can share things with specific circles. My church circle and my district circle are not always going to have the same interests.
  • You can share with your circles from your email, from your phone, etc.

How can I learn more?
Google has some wonderful information to show you more about Google +:
This is the main help document - It will answer every question.
This is a video overview presented by a guy with an accent. You will trust him just because he has an accent...
And if you like listening to Mr. Shervington, you will LOVE this next link. Be warned - this one is VERY thorough, so you might want this as more of a reference than a quick guide:
Here's another guide. It is slightly older, but has some great info. Scroll down a bit to get past the Google account setup info. This one is more concise:


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