Adding a Plug-in to Chrome

Chrome is a powerful tool for teaching and learning. You can take it further by adding some plug-ins to customize your experience.

In this post I will show you "three parts" -  how to add an "extension" or "plug-in" to Chrome, how to manage the extensions, and then link to some suggested extensions and plugins you might like.

Part 1 - Adding an extension

Here's one example of how to add a dictionary...

Having quick access to a dictionary is great for students and teachers. You can add an online dictionary with images to your Chrome browser.

Open Chrome and click on this link to connect to the Chrome Web Store

To install the plug-in click the "+ FREE" button in the upper right corner

You will be prompted to approve the install - click Add

Part 2 - Managing/Removing an extension
To manage your extensions click on the menu link in the upper right corner of the screen and select Settings

On the settings page click on Extensions in the upper left portion of the screen

Scrolling through the list you will see extensions that have been installed

Each extension will have a link to manage the permission you set for it and a link to the website for the extension, and may have a link to options for the extension

When I click on the options link under the dictionary extension I see the settings for using this extension

I can turn the extension on/off as well as uninstall by using the checkbox or trash can on the right
Click the X to close the extensions tab when you are finished

Part 3 - Some suggested extensions

Here are some extensions/plug-ins you might like:
11 Chrome Extensions Every Smart Teacher Loves To Use - judgmental title, good extensions :-) 
15 + Great Chrome Extensions for Teachers - Scroll down to see the list
Top 10 FREE Google Chrome Extensions for Teachers - some repeats, some new
5 Chrome Extensions for Teachers – Parts 1-7 - There are 5 extensions listed in each post with details about how they can be used.

Remember - you can install as many as you want, but if you find you don't like one be sure to go through the process of removing the extension so it gets out of your way. (Part 2 of my post today.)
